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How to Remove Ice Dams: A Professional Roofer’s Guide

Ice dams can be a significant problem for homeowners in colder climates. These ice formations occur when heat from your home escapes into the attic and warms the roof, except at the edges. This causes snow on the roof to melt and then refreeze at the eaves, leading to potential roof damage and water leakage into your home. As a professional roofer, I’ll guide you through the steps to safely remove ice dams, prevent damage, and ensure your roof’s longevity.

Safety First

Before attempting any removal, prioritize safety. Work from the ground if possible. If you must use a ladder, ensure it’s stable and wear non-slip boots.

Use a Roof Rake

A roof rake is your best friend in removing snow from your roof without causing damage. Use it to gently remove snow from the edges of your roof, working your way up to prevent adding pressure to the ice dam.

Apply Calcium Chloride

For the ice dam itself, use calcium chloride ice melt, not rock salt (sodium chloride). Rock salt can damage your roof. Fill a nylon stocking with calcium chloride and lay it across the ice dam perpendicular to the gutter. This will create a channel through the dam, allowing water to flow freely.

Consider Steam Removal

Steam removal might be necessary for severe ice dams. Professionals should do this with the right equipment. Steaming removes the ice dam without damaging your roof tiles or shingles.

Prevent Future Ice Dams

Prevention is key. Increase attic insulation, seal any air leaks, and improve ventilation. If ice dams are a recurring problem, consider installing heated cables along the roof’s edge.

Removing ice dams safely is crucial to protecting your home from water damage and ensuring the integrity of your roof. Follow these steps carefully, and consider professional help for large or persistent ice dams. Regular maintenance and preventative measures can keep your roof safe and ice-dam-free throughout winter.